The Mountain Information Network

If you happen to find yourself near a copy of the November issue of Mountain Life Magazine - Coast Mountains (yep, the word mountain is in there twice), then flip to page 29 for a writeup on Avalanche Canada's Mountain Information Network.
I was incredibly lucky to get to spend a few days with Avalanche Canada both in the field, and in the office last year as part of an effort to better understand how they build their avalanche bulletins. One thing that they really impressed on me was how important it is for people to submit MIN reports about what they're seeing out in the field. There's just no replacement for boots on the ground information - both for forecasters AND for people like me, just trying to figure out how to have a fun, safe weekend.
Don't have access to a copy of the magazine? Well, you can read the digital version.

Grumpy, cantankerous, wildly opinionated and so much more! Getting really tired on skis is what makes me happy.