How a Son Remembers His Father - Powder Magazine

Growing up, Powder Magazine was a perennial feature our house. I remember pouring over the epic photos and stories with Dad as we got stoked for skiing.
Dad got me into skiing. He drove me to the hill, paid for lessons and gear, and then organized countless ski vacations. You might not have noticed, but skiing is my favourite thing in the world. Dad gave me the thing that makes me happiest.
About thirteen years ago, Dad died skiing. That sucked - but only made my connection to skiing that much stronger.
If you've got the September issue of Powder Magazine kicking about (and you should), then flip to Page 38. The incredible team at Powder Magazine gave me a whole darn page to share some memories of Dad. I can't thank them enough for that.

Grumpy, cantankerous, wildly opinionated and so much more! Getting really tired on skis is what makes me happy.