Avalanche Canada - in desperate need of funding
Liam Harrap - one of the world's great sufferers and reporter for the Revelstoke Review has a new article out which details just how precarious Avalanche Canada's funding is.
There's a common misconception that Avalanche Canada is a government entity, but they aren't. Avalanche Canada is a non-profit dedicated to eliminating avalanche related fatalities. They currently get funding from sources like gaming grants, corporate and private sponsorships and a variety of piecemeal government grants from 9 different provincial and federal ministries, none of which takes the form of long-term funding agreements. Instead, Avalanche Canada faces annual struggles to make ends meet and is facing the threat of having to cut programs; programs that save lives.
So please, go read Liam's article, kick some money to Avalanche Canada and pressure your MP and MPP to start properly funding this organization that is literally trying to save our lives.